Friday, October 7, 2011

Here goes nothing ...

So here goes nothing. We're starting a blog. Why, you might ask. An excellent question and one that we're still trying to answer. Friends and family have asked for a blog. Perhaps because we now live so far apart. Perhaps because they miss us and are interested in our incredibly fascinating lives. Probably not. We're guessing that the true reason for they're intrigue is because of the young and talented rising star that recently joined our merry band. She's been featured in text messages, emails and Facebook posts, but now Sophia is looking to gain fame in the blogoshere and we're just hoping to play a strong supporting role.

The name for our blog originated from Sophia's many episodes of hiccups, but came to represent the surprising and sudden changes in direction that our lives have taken. Life is full of little, and sometimes big, hiccups that shake you out of your comfort zone and take you to places you never imagined. In the last two years we've hiccuped quite a bit. Sometimes we all have a tendency to want to coast or stay where we are, but the Lord sees fit in his infinite wisdom to give us "hiccups" in an attempt to keep us moving forward and looking upwards. We've gotten those darn hiccups several times of late and as we've dealt with new challenges we've grown and we've learned; we've stumbled and we've made mistakes; we've found new friends, new happiness and a new little angle. While these hiccups can be a little scary, we look forward to all the hiccups that the Lord has in store for us moving forward. So, here goes nothing ...